
We see great value to doing the right thing

In all communities in which we operate, Foraco is committed to conducting its business honestly, ethically and lawfully.

All employees and those working for or on behalf of Foraco must embrace and act in accordance with our core Values Code of Ethics and Business Conduct and our Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy. We aim to maintain an open dialogue about what it means to do theright thing and foster a culture of trust and fairness, where dilemmas are openly addressed. Our aim is to enable our employees and business partners to make the right decisions, with commitment to integrity at all levels. In recognition of this commitment, we have implemented a comprehensive ethics and compliance program applicable for the entire group of companies. It is designed to prevent, detect and respond to compliance risks and promote an ethical culture, in line with our Core Values and Code of Conduct.

Our Board of Directors and Corporate Governance Committee are responsible for the deployment, monitoring and improvement of strong and efficient corporate governance policy and relevant procedures. A majority of the Company’s Directors are not part of management of the Company and are considered independent. The independence status of each individual director is reviewed annually by the Board. As part of the Company’s committee process, the independent Directors meet from time to time without the management to discuss various matters concerning management and the Company’s operations.

Code of Ethics and Business Conduct

We are maintaining high standards of ethics and transparency, in compliance with the Company’s Code of Ethics and Business Conduct, that is regularly updated to incorporate new regulation or topics.

Anti-Corruption Policy

We are committed to the global fight against corruption and we have developed a Global Anti-Corruption Policy that integrates our anti-corruption rules applicable to employees, directors, officers, business partners and suppliers. These procedures also comply with local regulations. We have set up a procedure for partnership or joint venture through our “Know Your Partner” questionnaire to screen any business partners.

Risk management

The Company has set up a crisis cell and developed a risk management plan to face major risks such as political risks, pandemic or hacking risks. The Company is carrying out regular Risks Mapping to evaluate potential risks and take adequate preventive and recovery measures.

Corporate Governance

Wherever we work, Foraco is committed to operating to the highest standards.